When half time comes in an NBA game you may feel like it is a long break between the two halves. In the time an NBA break takes place you can easily get yourself a drink and some food and sit back down comfortably before play resumes. As you see the NBA players run down the tunnel you may wonder what do NBA players do at half time?
What do NBA players do at half time? NBA players speak with their coaches, teammates and have access to fitness, physio and medical attention if they need it. Players may also change into a fresh jersey for the second half.
We’ve had a look and what NBA players get up to during half time and we’ve put together a walkthrough guide of what happens in those short 15 minutes.
How long is half time in an NBA game?
Half time in an NBA game is 15 minutes long, which seems like a long period of time but it really isn’t. Firstly, NBA players need to get from the court to the locker room which in itself can take a couple of minutes each way. NBA players spend about 5 minutes of half time going to and from the locker room.
What happens in an NBA locker room at half time?
What happens in an NBA locker room at half time really depends on the situation of the game. The coach will always be wanting to have words with the team as a collective and individual players. These words will always depend on how the game is going, if it’s a tight game, the coach’s response will be totally different compared to a blowout. The coach will spend a few minutes explaining the positives and negatives of the previous half and will explain what the tactics will be in the half going forward. Each coach has a different style of dealing with players, if a team is playing well below expectation or away from the game plan, then a coach may fly off the handle to provoke a reaction out of their team. If there is friction between teammates on court then the coach will have to massage egos to ensure he gets the best out of their team.
If a player is struggling with an injury or needs some attention then they will see the physio during half time. If the player is of such significance to the team, then they make skip the coaches talk in order to receive physio. Think All-star level players where every minute they play, who they play with and against is calculated and planned in the overall team strategy. Players may also have discussions between themselves once the coaches talk has taken place.
NBA teams have a lot of support staff to ensure that everything at half time runs smoothly. Each NBA player will have their own drinks bottle and this will be supplied to them either at their seat in the locker room or as they enter the locker room. Depending on what the nutritionist believes a player needs or just their personal preference, there may be some added energy powders in their drink. The players may be given some energy gels to ensure that they’ve got enough fuel to burn to get through the rest of the game.
As technology has continued to enhance the game, players now have access to video playbacks, advanced stats, match-up data. All of which can inform what they do when they head back out.
Players may also decide to change their jersey, particularly if they are starting on the bench in the next half. Some superstitious players will just keep their jersey on for the whole of the game but it can be assumed that most players put on fresh jerseys.
Superstition, routine and habbit will also form a big part of a players halftime routine. it’s been well documented that some of the greatest shooters in the game, like Ray Allen, are very meticulous about everything that happens on game day, before during and after the game. So each player will have their own go to things, to calm their mind, overcome physical issues or ype themselves up.
And that’s it. Before they know it they’re back on the court.